
This is my cost capture website.


  • To create a website that can capture information related to projects that are added by users.
  • To provide an analytical dashboard based on the project information captured, for instant user feedback.
  • To allow users to be able to edit the project information they have added.


  • Register an account (top right).
  • Create a new project, utilising the various information fields such as project complexity, project location, project access distance.
  • Explore all dummy projects that have been created on the Projects tab.
  • Update any project that you are the author of.
  • Explore the Dashboard tab and see how your new project relates to others.


  • The website (along with the resume website) is my first forray into using Django.
  • The project database utilises a Postgresql database, which was initally connected via Amazon Web Services but now is hosted on railway.
  • The dashboard graph is created using PowerBI.
  • For the overall theme and functionality I have used Bootstrap 4.0.