Portfolio Project analysing Covid dataset from https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths
Utilising SQL to explore the data extract and Power BI to demonstrate different factors within.


I downloaded the static CSV file from the ourworldindata website, and split the full file into two separate files for ease of use.
    • Covid Deaths file
    • Covid Vaccination file
I imported the files into a SQL database to explore, and then loaded the specific queries into PowerBI - utilising Power Query steps to add any transformations not done within SQL. After this I represented the data using different visuals within PowerBI to allow the user to interrogate the data themselves.
The tabs represent the data broken down into Continent grouping and Country grouping, as well as including a toggle button to switch between Mortality Rate and Infection Rate (for countries)


For a fully produced dashboard I would look to automatically pull the Covid database into the PowerBI Dashboard or SQL server (possibly by webscraping or via an API) which would allow the data to remain up to date whenever the Power BI dashboard was refreshed.